Quick contact info

Wide Aluminium Windows & Doors PTY LTD offers the best designed, best installed and best backed warranty in the aluminium industry.

icon_widget_image Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00 icon_widget_image 6/453-455 Victoria Street Wetherill Park NSW 2164 icon_widget_image 02 9756 6606 0499 906 066 icon_widget_image info@wawaluminium.com.au
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To order an item, proceed here to pick up stock items, including sliding windows and sliding doors. 

To order items beyond the scope of standard styles and sizing, including but not limited to bi-fold, casement, hinge, and stacker windows and doors, please contact us with all required details through the button below or our phone number. You will receive a quote on the same or following business day.

Please note that most non-stock items are made to order, and therefore have a minimum lead time of three business days.