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Wide Aluminium Windows & Doors PTY LTD offers the best designed, best installed and best backed warranty in the aluminium industry.

icon_widget_image Monday - Friday 8:00 - 16:00 icon_widget_image 6/453-455 Victoria Street Wetherill Park NSW 2164 icon_widget_image 02 9756 6606 0499 906 066 icon_widget_image info@wawaluminium.com.au

Diamond Grille with Fibreglass Screen

AU$ 0.00 including GST

Diamond Grille with Fibreglass Screen

AU$ 0.00 including GST

Additional information


Diamond grille with fibreglass screen.

Please take note that while every screen mentioned is suitable for its intended use (as made), it is the buyer’s duty to ensure that the screen is utilised appropriately.

If uncertain, ask your construction contractor.


Upon request at an additional charge, might vary on the locations.